I Sabina Jennings collect personal information from my clients either in clinic, over the phone or via email. Most of the information is collated in a clinical session or sessions.
I have to comply to the General Date Protection Regulations and also by the code of practice to the association of which I am a member namely the Professional Hypnotherapy Practitioners Association.
Also Kyrle House Practice – Kyrle Street Hereford hold the name, telephone number, address and email address of all clients who come to the clinic that have a consultation with me. The reason is to be able inform clients should something happen to the therapist or to the clinic, to remind clients of their appointments. No other data is collected from the client other than payments which are made to the clinic or to me – the therapist.
• If you have any concerns about how the data is stored please contact me for more information.
• I do not see in general clients under 18 years old, but on the rare occasion that I do information may be collated from the clients parents or guardian.
• I do not see on any occasion any client below the age of 16 years old.
• Any client under the age of 18 years old must have the permission of their parent or guardian and that permission is extended to me by the parent or guardian.
• Any client under the age of 18 years old must be accompanied by a consenting parent or guardian who must remain in the clinic room during the full length of the consultation.
Your Personal Data:
• This is used in therapy sessions and it is the data that is given to me by the client
• To reply to client in asking a questions or wanting an update etc
• Payments for therapy sessions and account records will have clients details which are given on asking for payment.
• The information collected from the client in a therapy session and booking a therapy session will be their name and address, phone number and email address. Medication history ( as in certain cases Hypnotherapy is contra-indicated with certain health conditions and medications) is only collated by me and not by Kyrle House Practice Reception.
• In the clinic during a therapy session further information is collected from the client such as past medical history, reason for coming into the clinic, past traumas, family situation, hobbies, weekly diet, sleep patterns, work place situations, genetic predispositions etc. This information is needed so that as a Hypnotherapist I am able to understand and form an effective therapy to the best of my ability.
• On agreeing to a therapy session with myself you are asked to sign a form that agrees to the terms and conditions which then creates a contract.
When I will share information
• Information will be shared in legal situations such as a court order or warrant is issued,
• If you give your written permission for me to be able contact another person regarding your treatment and your therapy session such as your doctor, family member or whoever you feel appropriate.
Storage of Client Information
• Clients information is stored for seven years which is the minimum legal time that I must hold clients information as laid down by my professional body and my insurance company. After this time it is shredded and disposed of completely.
• All information other than emails and appointment text notifications are written by hand and not stored on computer. All computers used have a password only known to me in order to access email information.
• All client information is stored in a secured cupboard/filing system of which I am the only person who has the key.
• If at any time the client no longer want me to use your information for a therapy session, that is the clients right – then the therapy sessions will end.
• My code of ethics allows me to use and share anonymous case histories verbally or in relation to hypnotherapy publications or research. The clients personal details are removed, the age is changed and in some cases the sex is changed. Therefore the client is never recognised and is anonymous.