What are Food Intolerances?
In 2010 Novak Djokovic had a consultation with his nutritionist Dr Igor Cetojevic. Cetojevic muscle tested Djokovic for wheat and gluten intolerance. The result of the muscle test was Djokovic was showing signs of muscle weakening to the test, and so the tennis player went onto a gluten free diet. The rest as they say is history -. In my clinic I do exactly the same: looking for food intolerances that can cause muscle weakening and inflammation. For more information about food intolerances and the many symptoms of this condition read on or just get in touch –

Food intolerances occur when we have a IgG reaction within the body: this is an inflammatory response which can have a number of health implications. It can occur due to a number of reasons. There could be an inherited intolerance which is often seen in families. Or it could be a food or foods that has been eaten on a regular basis for many years and now the body has developed a sensitivity.
What is the difference between Intolerances and Allergies?
A food allergy is the cause of a hypersensitivity of the immune system responding to something in the environment and that can include foods. The symptoms can be severe and even life threatening, such as in the case of nuts or shell fish allergies etc and anaphylactic shock. Chemicals like histamine are released in the body and the reaction can cause symptoms like breathing problems, throat tightness, hoarseness, coughing, vomiting, abdominal pain, hives, swelling, or a drop in blood pressure. Food intolerances, which are now widely recognised by many health professionals, are less serious, but can have a profound impact on the digestive system and therefore our well being.

What are the symptoms of Food Intolerances?
- Joint pains – joint pains, muscle tensions, sciatica, lower back and neck pains
- Digestive issues – bloating, IBS, constipation, cramping, etc
- Skin conditions – psoriasis, eczema, rosacea, acne, general itchy skin, over dry skin etc
- Tiredness – feeling tired all day, tiredness certain times of the day, the 4.00pm slump
- Foggy thinking – struggling to remember details, mind in a haze, generally never alert
- Anxious and Irritable – constant anxiety or anxiety fluctuating through the week. Irritable for no reason.
- Weight loss issues – finding losing weight very difficult despite dieting and exercise.
- Constant coughs and colds – ex covid 19
How do I get Tested?
A consultation in the clinic takes about an hour and quarter. In that time over 90 foods are tested for intolerances. I also test for the reasons behind the results that we are getting. For instance, if a person tests that they are intolerant to all grains, then I test to see if low pancreatic enzymes are the cause, or is it due to low digestive enzymes, or is it due to gluten intolerance, or gliadin intolerance and so on. Also in the case of wheat, modern flour has a long protein strand which is hard to digest, so would bread, pasta, pizza made from Spelt, a shorter protein strand be easier on the body? I test to find the easiest alternative for the client.
How quickly do I get Results?
The results are instant as I test. There is no waiting.
Am I Going to be Told to Stop Eat a List of Foods?
This is a common question and the answer to this is – NO. I work with my patients to ensure that if a food is showing as intolerant we look for an alternative food or brand, that the patient enjoys. This way the patient finds it easier to make the changes.
Is it suitable for children?
Yes – as there are no needles involved. Children enjoy the consultation as they love to help.
How much does it cost?
The cost for the test and the results is £75.00 per session. Children and OAP – £65.00
Do I need to come back?
I would advise to come back in about 6 – 8 weeks after the first consultation. After the second consultation I suggest around 6 months time. This gives the body time to adjust to the new programme of health and then we can test how the body is responding.
Will I have to buy lots and lots of supplements?
In my opinion the maximum number of supplements that a person should be on is around 3-4 unless they have an illness where they might need more. I prefer people to make the small changes to the diet and lifestyle rather the relying on a raft of supplements.
How to book an Appointment –
Tel : 07464202715 or email : sabinajenningshealth@gmail.com
Finding foods that suit YOU
Food Intolerance Testing and Weight Loss.
I used to be very heavy. My weight ballooned after pregnancy and kept climbing. I tried every diet going and was totally miserable – sounds familiar? It got to the stage I couldn’t bear to see my self in the mirror.
Through extensive research I found out why my body was finding it so difficult to shed those unwanted pounds. I am now 25 kgs lighter and enjoying life and my new wardrobe – Sabina Jennings
- What I am testing for?
- Foods that are inflammatory – inflammatory foods affect weight loss
- Foods that slow the metabolism.
- Is the metabolism already sluggish and if so why?
- Foods that the body is sensitive or intolerant to – this will impact on weight issues.
- Pancreatic enzyme deficiency – therefore the body finds processing protein and starches difficult
- Is the body lacking certain minerals or vitamins
- Can probiotics help with the weight loss – if so – which ones
- Can prebiotics help with digestion?
- Which herbs are most suitable to support the liver.
- Fees are £70.00 for a consultation and testing.
- For further information tel:07464202715 – – Hereford – Herefordshire email: sabinajenningshealth@gmail.com
Note: Information on this web site is for informational purposes only and in no way a substitute for professional medical advice. You should not use the information on this web site for diagnosing or treating a medical or health condition. If you are pregnant and/or on medical prescription drugs or under the supervision of a health care practitioner, always seek professional medical advice before taking natural medicine ,supplements and exercise programmes.