When we attend a job interview our emotions are heightened, and often self doubt starts to creep in. To get to this position of being called to interview, we have passed the first hurdle of submitting our application form which thankfully has seen favour. We now have to convince the interviewers that we are up to the task of the job advertised.
The date and time of the interview has been set and agreed and initially you can seem quite confident, but then the nerves kick in and so does self doubt with thoughts like:
- Will I be able to answer their questions?
- Am I going to make a fool of myself?
- How many other people will I be competing with?
- Am I going to be calm and considered or will my nerves get the better of me?
- I bet everyone else is better that me? …….. and so on
And if you have been to many interviews and not been successful, the above list could be a lot longer with self doubting thoughts.
Now is the time to get some positivity – if you have made it to the interview stage, you have something that the interviews wants- you have filled the brief. So focus on that. Make sure you dress appropriately and that you walk in with air of confidence. Put yourself in the shoes of interviewer – would you employ you – if the answer is no, now is the time to rectify that problem.
For more information on how I help clients to believe in themselves more and see that end goal of getting their chosen job – call me on 07464202715 – or email on sabinajenningshealth@gmail.com
Sabina Jennings on tel:07464202715 or email sabinajenningshealth@gmail.com
Aylestone Hill – Hereford – or Kyrle House Practice – Hereford