How can Hypnotherapy and Coaching help your Health Concerns?
One doesn’t often think of hypnotherapy helping to address health issues of the body – the therapy is more considered in the line of helping with mental health. However the mind and body are intertwined far more that we think or give them credit for.

When we are stressed or have sub-clinical stressors, particularly the latter, this constant stimulation of hormones, has an effect the cardio -vascular system, the respiratory system and/or the digestive tract. All sorts of conditions then start to present themselves, from having skin concerns to stomach upset and bowel problems such as IBS to headaches and migraines to autoimmune conditions.
Laughter makes good blood
Often clients say that they tolerate stress well, however this constant exposure to small amounts of stress over a period of time can take its toll, particularly with certain people. Stress can take to the form of not having any self worth, being pressured at work, having difficulties in family life, financial worries that are constantly nagging you, family members health, relationship issues and so on.
Here are some links to articles regarding hypnotherapy and coaching and health concerns:-
Tinnitus – Skin Concerns -(Psoriasis – Rosacea – Eczema – Acne ) – IBS – Muscular tension – Weight Loss – Food Intolerances and much more
For more information on how Hypnotherapy and Coaching can help you – please call me on 07464202715 or email on and book your free introductory consultation to see if Hypnotherapy is for you.